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Used Auto Spares

The South African used auto spares industry, like all other industries which is dictated to by the laws of supply and demand. The sheer demographics of the country mean that there are far more old cars on the roads than there are in a country like the United States. The fact is, the average man in the street cannot afford to purchase a new car or even a slightly used car. The end result of all this is that there is a great demand for used auto spares, especially for older vehicles. New spare parts for old cars are expensive and far beyond the pockets of the majority of South Africans, so when looking4pares, the parts would usually mean traipsing from one scrapyard to another scrap yard until the part was found. Thanks to the age of the computer this is no longer so.

Part Find - Looking4spares is the foremost used spares supplier in South Africa. Throughout the country there are some 300 used auto spares suppliers on our network and we are the people who bring them together, to you, the person looking for those used auto spares. We are the people who take away all of the schlepping from scrapyard to scrapyard – but how does it work? On our website you will find a Parts Request Form. Complete this indicating new or used auto spares, together with as much information as you can and submit it through the Internet to us at a fraction of the cost of a telephone call. Once we receive your used auto spares request through our "find-a-part" system, we will submit it to our large network of used parts suppliers, and those that can come up with the used auto spares on the query will contact you directly. Many of these used auto spares queries are successfully met on the same day. You can pay through our websites payment protection facility if there are any doubts to your safety of the purchase, but we don’t release the money until you have the used auto spares in your hand and are totally satisfied with them. For further information about looking4spares find-a-part network, call us on: 0861 77 77 22. Buying used auto spares is as easy as that...


One of the banes about owning an old car is discovered by the owner when he or she needs to locate spares for it. The spares for some vehicle makes are notoriously expensive – in many cases spares are prohibitively so. This makes it both convenient and cost effective to find spares through a company such a looking4spares, who have vast and many useful contacts throughout the automotive "spares" and automotive scrapyard industry. By far the majority of new vehicles sold in South Africa are done so with a service plan which now usually includes all spares. What this means is that a number of the vehicle’s services are included in the purchase price of the vehicle so you dont pay for spares. Because of this by far the majority of South African vehicle owners have either little or no notion at all of the actual cost of car spares, truck spares and new spares are not cheap.

South Africa suffers the same economic climate as much of the rest of the world when it comes to buying spares. Spares are big due to the amount of vehicles in the world and they all constantly need spares and spares are easy to find if you know how. One of the results of this is that many vehicle owners are hanging on to their vehicles well beyond the coverage of their maintenance plans. In addition many South Africans of necessity own old and secondhand or third hand vehicles. As a direct result of this there is a very large used vehicle spares industry that has developed over the years. In addition there is a large industry and turnover of generic and sometimes grey spares. When looking for spares and parts for a vehicle in the past it has meant many hours of footslogging from scrapyard to scrapyard in those areas below the railway lines where the auto scrap yards are to be found. This is where looking4spares comes in to the picture. The whole concept of our company is to be able to source those elusive spares for you from scrapyards and spares dealers, and at a reasonable cost. For further information call Part Find on the call centre number 0861 77 77 22 for countrywide spares service.

Order Spares Online

Gone are the days of having to trudge from one auto scrapyard to another scrap yard, looking for that elusive part for your 20 year old BMW or Mercedes Benz. Now, thanks to looking4spares, you can order spares online. The Internet has made a lot of difference to people allowing them to order spares online, and in many cases they are not even aware of it. New motor spares are extremely expensive, and this is especially so when dealing with an automobile manufacturer’s agent. It’s sometimes difficult to imagine how they can charge so much for spare parts . That’s all very well when the new spare part or used spare part is going to be paid for by the Insurance company after an accident or is covered in the after sales servicing agreement, but when you have to find the cash from your own pocket – well, frankly people just cannot afford it. Either way it’s far cheaper and easier to order spares online through the internet.

Looking4spares is the foremost online scrapyard or spares supplier in South Africa, and through us you are able to order spares online. We have a network of some 300 new auto spares and used used auto spares scrapyard suppliers throughout the country and we are the people who bring them together with you, the person looking for those auto spares.
Because you are now able to order spares online there’s none of that awful traipsing from one dealer to another searching for that elusive spare part. Simply fill in the 'Parts Request Form' on the home page on this website and submit it to us. As soon as we receive it we will distribute it throughout the network, linking you to all spares departments and before you know it you’ll be contacted by scrapyards and spares online dealers who have the spare part you’ve been looking for. For further information about looking4spares call us at our call centre on : 0861 77 77 22 or simply order spares online.

Order Parts Online

You may be a little tentative to order parts online, after all, how do you know that the parts you eventually receive from the scrapyard or parts dealer are going to be up to scratch? If you’ve already paid for them and they’re no good, how on earth would you get your money back? Looking4spares has the solution, and we think you’re going to like. We are strictly the in-between people. We have created a payment protection resource whereby it’s possible for you to set up a safe trading account. When you order parts online using this internet process, only once you have received the new or used parts by courier and found them acceptable do we release payment to the supplier of the parts you ordered online.

This resource eliminates all of the risks so often seen when you order parts online. Here’s how it all works. When you’re looking for a particular spare part for a specific vehicle whether it is a used auto part or new auto part, fill in the parts request form on the home page on this website and submit it to us. We then distribute the query to a network of more than 300 scrapyards and spare part dealers, and any that are able to come up with the new part or used auto part will contact you, sometimes within a couple of hours. They courier the part to you, and you pay us, but we hold the money until such time as you are satisfied with the part you have received, at which time we will then release the funds to the supplier. When you order parts online through Looking4spares, your money is safe and we have another satisfied customer. For further information about Looking4spares call us at the call centre on 0861 77 77 22 or simply order parts online.

Order Auto Spares Online

Thank goodness for computers and the internet so we can order auto spares online! There was a time, not so very long ago, when it took hours to locate that hard to pin down spare part for your old BMW. Now it’s a whole lot easier, and you can order auto spares online without even having to leave the comfort of your office. South Africa is one of those third world countries where there are far more cars on the road that are more than fifteen years old than there are cars less than that age. As a direct consequence of this there is a huge demand for spare parts, and in earlier days when you needed a particular part, it meant visiting all of the local scrap yards – forget about those in nearby towns, let alone far distant ones. Now, thanks to the Internet, you can order auto spares online, and you do so through Looking4spares. Find-a-part will find your used auto part if you order auto spares oline at a fraction of a cost of a telephone call.

Paert Find - looking4spares are the foremost used spares supplier in South Africa, and through us you are able to order auto spares online. Looking4spares has developed a network of more than 300 scarpyards and used auto spares suppliers throughout the country and we are now able to bring them all together for you, the end user. Because you are now able to order auto spares online through the find-a-part internet system, there’s none of that dreadful trudging from one scrapyard dealer to another scrapyard looking for that obscure used spare part. How do you do it? Just fill in the parts request form on this website and submit it to us. As soon as we receive your parts query we will distribute it throughout the network, and link you to all leading scrapyard dealers and other parts dealer in South Africa and before you know it you’ll be contacted by spare parts suppliers who have the automotive part you’ve been looking for. For further information about looking4spares call us at the Call Centre on 0861 77 77 22 or simply order auto spares online

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